Test in Testnet

1. Investors deposit money into the BOT's Pool central smart contract.

2. Deposit certain amount of Gas fee to enable the automatic swap trading system.

3. Set up Bots Setting according to certain strategy (Recommended Standard is avaliable)

4. Press “Start” to run the system (Able to press stop, withdraw money, or modify at any time)

5. Run the BOT’s and see the performance and profits.

Beta Testing BOT Guideline

  • Test at : https://bot-dev.netefi.com/

  • ADD Testnet Network Network Name: BSC Testnet New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545 ChainID: 97 Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.binance.org/smart-testnet

  • Claim Free BNB for Deposit BOT https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart

  • Pancake Testnet Swap https://pancake.kiemtienonline360.com Get USDT for Fund Deposit and BNB for Gas deposit

  • Step

  1. Deposit USDT

  2. Deposit BNB Gas ( for Swap transection)

  3. Set % for rebalance

  4. Click Play Button

To summarize, the investment in Auto BOT trading will enable investors who held cryptocurrency from around the world to make more money as well as to improve the investment management without having to do own trading. This reduces chances of funds being stuck as the orders are made at the top of the hill in a long period of time. Investors can also trade using a variety of trading strategies according to amount of funds and investment preferences. Back testing can also be applied to see the performance before decide to start invest.

Beta Testing on Auto BOT trading will soon to be launched together with the Airdrop activity for participants who are willing to test the system.

Last updated